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All Day

Catholic Stewardship Renewal Weekend

“Without Cost you have received, without cost you are to give.” Matthew 10:8b The Holy Rosary Ministry Guide and Time & Talent form are available online at: Now is the…

Mass at St. Stephen

St. Stephen Church 27519 Monroe Rd 533, Monroe City

Mass Intention: Families of St. Stephen and Holy Rosary


St. Stephen Church 27519 Monroe Rd 533, Monroe City

Mass Intention: Jack Kunce Due to Holy Rosary Church Renovation – weekend Masses will be held at St. Stephen Church in Indian Creek.


7th – 12th Grade PSR (Parish School of Religion)

St. Stephen Gym 27519 Monroe Co Rd 533, Monroe City

Classes will be held after 10 am Mass at St. Stephen until Holy Rosary Renovation is completed. Online registration is available at: Printable registration: PSR Registration With Consent Forms Printable…