- Events
- Mass
- No events scheduled for October 28, 2024.
Week of Events
Mass at St. Stephen
Mass Intention: Families of Holy Rosary & St. Stephen Due to Holy Rosary Church Renovation – weekend Masses will be held at St. Stephen Church in Indian Creek.
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Mass Intention: Jack Kunce Due to the Holy Rosary Church Renovation, all Daily Masses will be held at the Knights of Columbus meeting hall.
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Mass Intention: Bill Winthrop; Bill Jr. Winthrop Due to Holy Rosary Church Renovation – Daily Mass will be held in the Knights of Columbus Hall.
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Mass Intention: Sylvia Shively Due to Holy Rosary Church Renovation – Daily Mass will be held in the Knights of Columbus Hall.
First Saturday Mass
First Saturday Mass
Mass Intention: Davis & Epperson Family, Living & Deceased Due to the Holy Rosary Church Renovation – First Saturday Masses will be held at St. Stephen Church in Indian Creek.
Mass Intention: Matt & Lorene Hays Due to the Holy Rosary Church Renovation - weekend Masses will be held at St. Stephen Church in Indian Creek.