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Prayer Walk for Beginning of School
MO, United StatesYou may start your walk at the MC R-1 High School Parking Lot or in front of Holy Rosary School. You may walk the border of the school’s grounds, including…
Daily Mass at Monroe City Manor
Monroe City Manor 1010 Hwy 24 & 36, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Michael Allen & Michael Steven Homsack
Stewardship Way of Life Presentation
Knights of Columbus Hall 424 S. Locust St, Monroe CityFr. Stephen Jones will preach at all the Masses on the weekend of August 20-21, 2022 and then return Tuesday evening, August 23rd to explain further the Stewardship Way of…
Daily Mass
Holy Rosary Church 405 South Main, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Joe Miles
Daily Mass
Holy Rosary Church 405 South Main, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Mark Saunders
Daily Mass
Holy Rosary Church 405 South Main, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Charlotte Schneider
Holy Rosary Church 405 South Main, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Becky Labuary Underwood
Mass at St. Stephen
St. Stephen Church 27519 Monroe Rd 533, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Families of St. Stephen and Holy Rosary
Holy Rosary Church 405 South Main, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Rayond Karr
Daily Mass
Holy Rosary Church 405 South Main, Monroe City, MO, United StatesMass Intention: Mark Saunders