Diocesan Women’s Ministry Ladies’ Night Out
Cathedral of Saint Joseph 2305 West Main, Jefferson CityDiocesan Women’s Ministry Fall Retreat
Cathedral of Saint Joseph 2305 West Main, Jefferson CityWeek of Events
Mass at St. Stephen
Mass Intention: Families of Holy Rosary & St. Stephen Due to Holy Rosary Church Renovation – weekend Masses will be held at St. Stephen Church in Indian Creek.
Holy Rosary Fall Dinner
Holy Rosary Fall Dinner
11:00 am to 12:30 pm Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings - Dine In, Carry Out or Home Delivery For delivery call 573-600-2950 Children $7; Adults $15 Cash Raffle for $500 and $1,000 and a Quilt Raffle - Drawings at 12:30pm
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Mass Intention: Jack Kunce Due to the Holy Rosary Church Renovation, all Daily Masses will be held at the Knights of Columbus meeting hall.
RCIA Gathering
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Mass Intention: Bill Winthrop; Bill Jr. Winthrop Due to Holy Rosary Church Renovation – Daily Mass will be held in the Knights of Columbus Hall.
Daily Mass
Daily Mass
Mass Intention: Sylvia Shively Due to Holy Rosary Church Renovation – Daily Mass will be held in the Knights of Columbus Hall.
All Saints Day Mass
All Saints’ Day Mass
All Saints’ Day Mass
Diocesan Women’s Ministry Ladies’ Night Out
First Saturday Mass
First Saturday Mass
Mass Intention: Davis & Epperson Family, Living & Deceased Due to the Holy Rosary Church Renovation – First Saturday Masses will be held at St. Stephen Church in Indian Creek.
Diocesan Women’s Ministry Fall Retreat
Mass Intention: Matt & Lorene Hays Due to the Holy Rosary Church Renovation - weekend Masses will be held at St. Stephen Church in Indian Creek.